How can I make a great drive by party for a 1 year old?

I do not want to be over the top but I do want find a way to celebrate while we still social distance. He is born on leap year so the theme is frogs...I am planning to do a drive by party. What treats should I give to guest or NA. What are some ideas. I am dressing the baby in costume as a frog for entertainment. It will be 1 hr 30 minute at max.


Favorite Answer

Why are you bothering to go to this much effort for a 1 year old? I am not saying he isn't worth it, but be realistic~ he isn't going to understand what it is all about, and frankly, he isn't going to care. And on top of that, you are trying to plan a party around a drive by, which is going to be that much more of a hassle. Have a small party with family, dress him up as you were going to, take lots of pictures and do a zoom to have your friends and extended family there, and leave this kind of thing for when it is going to mean something to him. 


He's 1- doesn't give a hoot about it.   Give him a big box and some shiny paper and he'll be happy