Bully at work ?

I was finishing up my shift at the part time tonight when the loud mouth employee (35male) came around saying offense things to other coworkers. He said to an Asian-American "man Jet Li's cousin get out the way" and called another kid fat and a punk for talking under his breath. This sh*t made me uncomfortable and I'm ashamed I didn't say anything for them. I'm not a fighter or anything but it made me want to fight win or lose. I just can't understand why grown men are like this. What should I have done? Should your boy go get boxing lessons? 


Favorite Answer

Ignore him and walk away.


This racist comment is CLEARLY something that should have been reported to HR. Why so many fools think personal violence is going to resolve things is curious. 

Pearl L2021-02-04T02:58:11Z

maybe you should talk to your manager about it


Isn’t there anyone you can report this to? Next time get evidence.