I don't want to donate my clothes?

Some of my co worker's are on welfare and section 8. They always have money for: tattoos, liquor, cigarettes, etc. The money for their children are spent on themselves. I'm skeptical of donating my clothes. Insight anyone?

Christin K2021-02-06T16:11:33Z

Are they asking you for your clothes? Or are you just not happy with donating them period?  You certainly don't have to--no one HAS to give to any non-profit or charity. But please don't judge people based on your limited experience with your co-workers. If you aren't wearing the old clothes, donating to a women's shelter, a children's charity or a homeless shelter might be a better use for them. You can specify where and how you donate. 


Well, don't donate clothes that you want.  But if you have clothes that you don't want, it's better to donate them than to throw them in the garbage.

Elaine M2021-02-05T02:49:08Z

What does any of that have to do with clothes?


Many people do abuse the welfare assistance programs.  They find ways to spend the money on all kinds of things that it wasn't intended for.

BUT - that doesn't mean that you shouldn't give something that you can give because there are still many people out there that actually do need help and use what they get in the way it was intended.

If you have clothes that you don't need, can't or won't wear - isn't it better to donate them to an organization that will find someone who can use them instead of just tossing them out.

Of course, your other option is to have a garage sale or sell the items on E-bay.  


If you don't feel like you want to donate, then don't. If you feel like you would like to contribute, but want your clothes to go someone who will use the articles for bettering themselves, look into donating to places that give women business type outfits for job interviews? Women who are trying to get back on track in their life can get free business clothes to look professional at a job interview. You don't have to give expensive clothes or even really business type clothes, but if you have clean, gently used nice pants, skirts, shirts, jackets, what ever, they will take them and put outfits together. I have a link for you. And really, I don't blame you for not wanting to just give away, to people who are abusing the system, we have a lot of that here too, and I refuse to feed into it. 


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