Puppy I found?

I found a puppy and kept him for 2 days and rehomed him 2 days ago. We have 4 dogs and thought we didnt need another one. After I found a new owner for him I started to realized I really miss him. It has been really hard not to think about him but I now feel he brought some king of happiness and joy I didnt feel till he was gone. I wish I had thought about it longer. I really want him back but feel really guilty to ask for him back or buy him back. I thought about helping them find another. What should I do?


wow your a thieft  steal people dogs that not really yours.  your mother didnt taught you no respect and never teach you not to take something or some body pets that doesnt belong to you. i hopeful you end up in jail . 


The pup was not yours to do with as you please.  First thing you do when you find a dog/puppy is to make an extensive search for the owners.  You gave someone's puppy away.  Someone is really missing their puppy.  Someone is crying cause they lost their puppy.  Someone is searching for that pup.  You had 30 days to find owner before you could claim the pup as yours.  Dog theft is stealing a dog.  Stealing a dog is a federal crime.

If one of your dogs were found out of your yard & someone took it in & then found a home for it & you never would know what happened to your dog. You search & search & search but dog cannot be found.  Your dog is gone for good.


He wasn't yours to home on in the first place.   He should have been placed with authorities who are legally obliged to keep them for so many days (7 in UK)  to see if an owner comes forward for him. 


no your just getting carried away, your what they call a dog hoarder sadly, nothing wrong with having a soft heart, but some times we need to have that boldness like get this dog outta here ya know? if you got a farm then i guess its okay to have 10 dogs, but come one already got 4 of dem boiz not happy? may as well hang up a sign that says "all dogs go to heaven''!


leave the poor dogs alone, you are confusing them

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