It's too late for me to apply for scholarships...what do I do?

I'm in 12th grade, graduating in May. I plan to start college in August. My teacher said that it's too late to apply for scholarships now. :( What do I do???


Teachers do not always know this information.  You need to discuss this with a school counselor. 


Don't believe him. Go to the college office & ask. When I went, several scholarships were unapplied for.


Apply anyway.  What have you got to lose?


Isn't there a counselor at your school? You should have been told to have your parents fill out the FAFSA form in the fall. That gets analyzed, and the results sent to the colleges you apply to. Then they make you a financial aid offer. What you need to do now is to talk to the financial aid office at the school you want to go to. Many schools have put into place ways of helping students, especially during COVID. 

Ogres are like Onions2021-02-06T19:59:18Z

I doubt very seriously that your teacher is aware of every available scholarship from every college you may go to.
Each college’s financial aid department publishes a long list of every scholarship on their website, or can give you a list if you visit their office.
What to do?  My advice works in every case.  Whenever anyone tells you you can’t do something?  Prove them wrong.

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