Is there a Hamiltonian circuit on a chess board with a lame rook, with equal # of horizontal and vertical steps?
You have a 8x8 chessboard, and a "lame rook" that can only move 1 square at a time, horizontally and vertically only. Starting in a corner (or anywhere, really), can the piece make a circuit, visiting every square only once, other than returning to where it started. So it needs 32 horizontal movers, and 32 vertical.
I suspect the answer is no, but I can't prove it. I can prove it can't be done on a 4x4 board. I know it can be done on 6x6 and a friend says he found such a path for 10x10.An answer for 8x8 would be nice. A general answer about what sizes can and can't be done would be superb.
Samwise: Your path has 10 vertical moves, and 6 horizontal. I stated it in the question, but not in the longer description, that it needs to have an equal number of horizontal and vertical steps. Any square with even sides will have a Hamiltonian circuit (each square visited once, returning to start), but the equal number of H & V moves is the tough part.
Superb post by atsuo for the 4n+2 case!
I think the 4x4 case is quite hard. I can prove the case for a 4x4 board, but not for larger. I've been working on it with a friend for a week now, and we haven't gotten anywhere.
What I meant to say is that the 4n X 4n case is hard. Proving there's no such circuit for the 4x4 case isn't that difficult.
*** Edited ***
I prove that 8×8 board does not have the solution.
Let "Hamiltonian circuit" be "HC". ┏━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┓ ┃こ╂け┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃く╂き┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃さ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃か┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃し┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃お┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃あ╂い┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃う╂え┃ ┗━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┛ HC passes through 4 corner squares あ,え,き,こ, so it contains 8 moves shown in the above diagram. If HC be a directed circuit then it is あ→い→う→え→お→か→き→く→け→こ→さ→し→あ or its reversed sequence, and other sequences can not become a directed HC. For example, if あ→い→お→え→う→... then this directed path is disturbed by the path い→お and can not arrive at か from う. Next, think an undirected temporary circuit on the board. ┏━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┓ ┃こ╂け╂ヽ╂ヽ╂ヽ╂ヽ╂く╂き┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃さ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃か┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃し┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃お┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃あ╂い╂ヽ╂ヽ╂ヽ╂ヽ╂う╂え┃ ┗━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┛ This circuit contains the same number of vertical and horizontal moves. To modify this circuit to HC, we must add moves for inner 36 squares. There are 2 procedures P1 and P2. P1 : Add 2 horizontally adjacent squares (horizontal domino) to the circuit. The number of vertical moves are increased by 2. P2 : Add 2 vertically adjacent squares (vertical domino) to the circuit. The number of horizontal moves are increased by 2. We can do P1 and P2 in any sequence. For example, add a horizontal domino すせ and a vertical domino たそ to this circuit. ┏━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┓ ┃こ╂け╂ヽ╂ヽ╂ヽ╂ヽ╂く╂き┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃さ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃か┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃た╂ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿╋━┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃そ╂ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ ┣┿╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃し┃ヽ┃す╂せ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃ヽ┃お┃ ┣┿╋━╋┿╋┿╋━╋━╋━╋┿┫ ┃あ╂い╂ヽ┃ヽ╂ヽ╂ヽ╂う╂え┃ ┗━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┛ 2 squares are added to the circuit by 1 procedure, so if we can do 9 P1s and 9 P2s then HC has the same number of vertical and horizontal moves, it becomes the solution. If so then 6×6 squares must be divided into 9 vertical dominos and 9 horizontal dominos. Name 36 squares as followings. ┏━┳━┳━┳━┳━┳━┓ ┃ち┃つ┃ち┃つ┃ち┃つ┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃て┃と┃て┃と┃て┃と┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃ち┃つ┃ち┃つ┃ち┃つ┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃て┃と┃て┃と┃て┃と┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃ち┃つ┃ち┃つ┃ち┃つ┃ ┣━╋━╋━╋━╋━╋━┫ ┃て┃と┃て┃と┃て┃と┃ ┗━┻━┻━┻━┻━┻━┛ 1 vertical domino covers ち+て (type1) or つ+と (type2). 1 horizontal domino covers ち+つ (type3) or て+と (type4). If k type1 dominos exist then 9-k type2 dominos exist. They cover 9 ち and 9-k つ, so 9-k ち and k つ must be covered by type3 dominos. But 9 is an odd number so 9-k and k are not equal. Therefore, 8×8 board has no solution.
For (4n)×(4n) board, there are (4n-2)(4n-2) = 16n^2-16n+4 inner squares. So the number of each of ち,つ,て,と is 4n^2-4n+1. It is an odd number, so (4n)×(4n) board has no solution.
↓ Former answer ↓
I prove that (4n+2)×(4n+2) boards have solutions for n = 0,1,2, ... To simplify, I show the proof when n = 2. For other n, the proof is similar.
Step1. divide the board into four square sub-boards of the same size.
There must be something missing in your description of the constraints.
I base that on your claim you can prove it's impossible on a 4x4 board. What's invalid about this sequence? from a1: a2, a3, a4, b4, b3, b2, c2, c3, c4, d4, d3, d2, d1, c1, b1, a1
It moves to each square once, with the 16th move returning to its starting square. If that's valid, a similar approach should work for any rectangular board with an even number of squares on each side.