Why are US jails so full of atheists & devil lovers?


Most prison inmates claim Christianity.


Care to offer evidence?  According to prison census data, more than 90% of convincts identify as Christian.  

Robert De Angelis-Italy-United States2021-02-07T15:05:31Z

Why do they use evil, since they don't believe there is a God!
So, they will pay here, on earth, with prison, and they will pay in hell for all the evil they have done on earth.


They aren't. Atheists are under-represented in the prison population.  Most inmates are believers. And no, it's not because they convert in prison. Statistics on religious affiliation are collected on entry into the system.

Adullah M2021-02-07T14:05:02Z

The problem is that these people never believe in heaven and hell or after live , so they can do all evils things in this world. That is why.

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