do studded snow tires help with stopping on ice?


I have driven 21 different cars and trucks over 63 years on winter roads in all northern states.  Yes.  Studded tires help stop on ice.  But by far the biggest advantage in winter driving is a vehicle with AWD All Wheel Drive.


a tiny little bit versus tires with no studs, but ice is ice, there is nothing worse to drive on that ice covered roads.


No, but lightly braking does


I’ve only once driven with studded tyres. It was in Iceland in winter, most of the roads were snow covered. I found myself driving at 50 mph where at home l would have done 20 or less even with snow tyres. Most impressed although in the few stretches of cleared tarmac , they did seem a bit strange on tight corners like roundabouts.
It was therefore a bit disconcerting to be overtake by a bus doing 70!

Pearl L2021-02-09T02:25:50Z

they might help with that, i would talk to a mechanic about it

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