The Pope is preparing to visit Iraq (in the Middle East) and there meet the religious leader "Assistani": what do you think?


In Iraq, there are all religions: it is called the cradle of civilizations.

Adullah M2021-02-10T09:13:24Z

Favorite Answer

During the Prophet Muhammad (Sal,) time , around the ninth year of Hijrah , A Christians Mission from Najran came to meet with the Prophet (Sal) in Madinah to discus with him on the topic of the real status of Jesus in the sight of GOD. Then GOD reveal the Holy Verse of Mubahalah to challenge the Christians Mission, who would be on the truth, in regarding Jesus, as being the true Messenger of GOD, while the Christians insist in believing in trinity of god. When the time of appointment  come ,Prophet (Sal ) brought Fatimah, Ali , Hasan and Hussein (May GOD be pleased with them all) to perform Mubahalah  with the Christians' side, but they decide to turn down this event , after seeing the Radiant of these Five Holy persons of GOD. It may happen again in Iraq ,between Ayatollah Al Sistani and the current Pope of the Catholic Church of Vatican. The truth is the truth no one could hide the truth. This is my thinking.

Doug Catholic2021-02-10T01:04:38Z

Maybe he'll stay there.


Let us hope that he does not end up caught between Iraq and a hard place!


I think virtually everybody knows where Iraq is.
I just read Fireball's answer.  I'm glad I wrote "virtually."


Hard to answer cuz I have no idea what relig they have in Iraq.

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