How do car dealer can keep car officially still brand new if letting customer drove car home with rejected loan?
It called spot delivery. Dealer knew customer has bad credit and won't get loan. But go ahead do all paper works with loan applications. And allowing customer drive new car home. Maybe few days later they will call customer's home telling them loan is rejected and need get different loan. And say has to return car back to dealer because of rejected loan.
Now customer return car but what about mileage and wear and tear?
Example: 2021 Ford Explorer! Salesperson allowing them take it home on Saturday morning. Then all loan go through bank on Monday, found out rejected, call customer's home on Wednesday request return car.
By then, it might have 2,000 miles on it already with some spills of soda and pizza stains inside because they had vacation somewhere far away for Saturday and Sunday.
Legally still new? Well next customer gonna say no way this car can't be new cuz it has 2,000 miles and inside looked too dirty to be brand new
Sure dealer can try get more money for cleaning up and pay for mileage but gotta remember with low credit score and loan get rejected, likely this person has nothing and no assets to get money back.