Mac or PC?

I prefer PC.


a MAC IS a PC, just with a different OS.


Security: Mac Still Gets the Nod At one time, PCs were known for frequent crashes, but the Windows operating system has become significantly more reliable. While Mac hardware and software is denoted by its stability, the difference here has lessened.


i prefer pc.  though i'm not against mac, and would get one if i could afford it.  though all my phone and watch are both apple.  and i have an older ipod and airpods too.  the ecosystem is hard to beat for apple. 

Master Of Puppets2021-02-14T18:54:29Z

If Apple would let me upgrade and fix my hardware, I may consider them. Until then, I will use my Windows PCs.


I like Macs as they are less prone to viruses and last a really long time.  I got my kids Mac for college; they were easily double the cost of PCs, but neither ever got a virus, and both are still going strong after 6 and 8 years. 

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