Heart races with little movement?
This hasn’t happened up until the past month.
Example: I was carrying groceries from the car to the apartment. I was walking super super slow so I didn’t slip on ice. And my heart was racing like I was running for a while.
Another example: when I was shopping for groceries, it started racing like I was running even though I was just walking around and browsing.
I’m female, 20 years old, BMI 27.5
I’m unsure why this started randomly but I’m scared to exercise incase it’s a bad heart issue.
I also get it at rest, and get heart palpitations (mainly only when laying down or trying to sleep)
I’m unable to see a cardiologist due to my insurance not covering it. I visited my PCP and he wanted a heart monitor done but I can’t get it due to insurance too.
Has anyone had anything similar?
And please don’t just say I need to see someone. I don’t have the money to.