Why does Lebron get so much hate?

He's better than Jordan and Kobe.  Yet people don't even wanna put him in the top 3 simply cause they are hating on him.  Dude literally took a a garbage bottom 3 team to 7 consecutive playoffs and the second he left they were the worst team in the NBA.  Jordan has ALWAYS had a supporting cast around him as well as Kobe.


First of all no he is NOT better than Jordan or Kobe. And nobody hates Lebron but it's a such thing as giving too much credit. I commend Lebron with the success he has throughout his career he is no question one of the greatest players I've ever seen. But like you Lebron fanboys you always create technicalities on a consist basis and wanna wine and complain when people with a BRAIN don't agree with it. Doesn't ever occur to you to just appreciate the players and stop the rankings because it's truly pathetic and a waste of time. Plus Lebron has had more help then both Kobe and Jordan combined.