Tire Chains... when to take them off?

I live in Texas and put tire chains on my car so I could get around.  The roads in my neighborhood are still like skating rinks, with only a few patches of exposed pavement.  Most parking lots are icy, slushy, etc.  However, the major and most secondary roads have least one cleared lane with only occasional icy patches (bridges, in the shadows).  

I know I should minimize driving on pavement with the chains on, it can damage both the chains and the tires.  But, I still really need them in the places where there is still ice and deep slush.  

Any recommendations?  What do people generally do when the conditions are so mixed.  My inclination is 'better safe than sorry,' which would suggest it is better to leave them on until I am sure I don't need them any more.  It is cheaper to replace the chains or my tires than potentially pay for repairs to my car and towing fees.


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You take them off as soon as you are on roads that are mostly clear of snow pack. They are a PIA except for short trips through an un-plowed neighborhood. A few icy patches some slush etc just need to be driven very carefully (chains not needed) and you shouldn't go more than about 25mph with chains and they don't stop for shiton clear pavement. Keep your speed down and be ready for unexpected lanes changes and losses. 
I live in the mid-atlantic area and have used chains ONCE in 30 years - that was 1/4 mile from my house in 12 inches of new snow (2wd Ranger).