How cold is too cold for TV?

I live in Texas where we lost power for a few days during the winter storm so the indoor temperature reached the 30s F°. Would it be safe to turn on the tv now that we have power again? I’ve been told by my BIL that our tv might be ruined after the storm due to coldness. It’s a Samsung QLED TV I believe not too sure 


Most LCD and LED sets are rated for storage in temps as low as -4°F. Always refer to your television's manual for actual safe-temperature ranges. If your cabin gets colder than this in the winter, you may want to consider erring on the side of caution.


read your manual , it says what temperature it works at . look in the manual under the specification  list .

ANDRE L2021-02-21T23:52:28Z

I would turn it on again until the house temp got to at least 68 F and stayed that there for a day or so.

If any moisture condensed inside the TV from the cold, trying to use the TV before it had a chance to evaporate could have... unfortunate consequences.


It is amazing how some answers contain good and useful information 
while at the same time also containing utter balderdash (from Khalil in particular).   
In any case, don't be concerned about your TV, 
which can withstand much colder temperatures than it will endure where it is. 


Not due to the cold, that isn't the issue. The issue is the condensation that occurs in electronics when they go from cold to warm or hot. So allowing it time to fully return to normal temps and such, limits the condensation issue, and you should be fine.

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