I was walking my leashed 140+ pound dog when an unleased dog came out of the bushes and attacked us. She got in front of me, I broke several fingers, gashed my head open, tore my leg, and my dog never backed down, fought with the other dog and actually scared it away. No dog in its right mind would attack such a big dog so the emergency room wanted me to get the series of rabies shots. Instead we asked the neighborhood for help, located the dog, it had been vaccinated. I don't know what would have happened if I had been walking without a dog.
i had this pit bull that i raised from a puppy literally 5 seconds old.
i did everything right. I loved that pit, groomed it everything.
then 5 years later in human years.
it snapped at me. It tore my arm off.
we euthanized that **** bull. Then I learned its not about how you train it. its about knowing that pit bulls are nasty, ungrateful jesus demon dogs.
I gave the pit bull everything and it repays me with tearing my arm. Now I feel like the Winter Solider.
Walking past a house with a chained Rottie - he BROKE his chain and came snarling & barking after us - crossed the street & literally jumped upwards - toward my face. Fortunately - I was carrying mace........... and I USED IT.
we were at the local park and this dog came and bit our dog in the stomach. Our dog had to go to the vet as the other dog ripped its stomach open.