Why do stores try to shame or pressure me to buy more expensive items than I want?

For instance, I wanted to buy a twin size mattress (only need a mattress). Went to a bedding store. The sales agent asked if it was for me. I said it was. She then asked why I would ever want a twin size mattress. I said I had always had a twin size bed. My foundation and frame are for twin size. She said twin beds are really only for children or for temporary use, like when you have company they might only stay a few days. Then of course, I'd have to get a new frame, a new foundation and new sheets to fit a larger mattress. I left the store feeling like I was being forced to buy something I didn't want. They lost a sale with those high-pressure tactics. Was she giving me the business saying that twin size beds are for kids or company?


Favorite Answer

Sales people sometimes work on commission and the more they sell the more they make. 
If you want a twin bed you should buy one.


It is NOT a 'shame' to suggest customers buy something in a different size.  Sales people work for Commissions............the more they sell - the more they make.  This salesperson should have NEVER made the comment about a twin size bed being for children only.  I mother always slept in a twin size bed and no one said a thing to her.


its called an up sale , more profit for them at your expense . quite normal . anything to get an extra buck out of you .


Single people sleep in twin beds all the time. Go to the salvation army or to the Goodwill store you will find good mattresses and box springs that have been professionally steam cleaned for under $100 clean healthy mattresses with box springs for $100.


she was probably forced to that by her manager, and then she is blamed if you say no and then she either given a bad job review or fired 

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