32 year old guy wants a first tattoo but hesitant to get it.  ?

I want a tattoo probably on the outside of my bicep in memory of my grandmother but I’m not sure what I want.  I also don’t know what to expect if I do get a tattoo for the first time. 


I got my first at 43 years old.  Tattoos are who you are.  Leave grandma out of it.  What are you thinking of a RIP tat with your grandma's name.  NOPE  no good.  


You lived a good life of 32 years so far, why change a good thing? In memory of your grandmother wouldn’t it  be more important, that you stay the way you are, the way she remembered you?

LindseyS499 usetobe LINDSEYS2021-02-25T17:23:45Z

Visit a few tattoo shops in your area and ask then any questions you have, you may even see some one getting tattooed so you know more about what to expect. They can even draw up a tattoo that you will want to get tattooed. If you're not sure that you want it, you may end up regretting getting it. If you love it, you won't regret it. 


My grandmother died in 1965 . . . . and I can still remember her quite well without the aid of trashy body adornment.


Google tattoo studios near you, look at the artists and their artwork and decide which artists style you like the most. From there schedule an appointment with your preferred artist and tell them what you want, They are friendly people and will help guide you to a possible design.

 Depending on the complexity and size it could take anywhere from 1 to 5 hours to fully complete. My half sleeve took approx 20 hours with multiple appointments to finish.  Usually first the lines are done with a single needle, once the lines are done then shading comes next with a fork like needle, the shading is the more painful part as it requires going over the same spot a few times for the proper application of the ink.

The outer bicep is a pretty easy spot to get a tattoo as far as pain, once you get around the armpit or elbow is where its starts to hurt. But its all tolerable pain, best way to describe it is someone scratching a bad sunburn with a toothpick. Make sure you have some spare cash because tattoos ain't cheap if you have a quality artist and be sure to leave them a good tip! Good luck!

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