My coconut tree is dying from the bottom up?

I have had this indoor palm for about 4 years, in three different apartments.  It has grown about 8 or 9 feet tall, but in last 3 months three of the bottom frond pairs have turned from green to tan to brown over the course of about a week each. First was the lowest frond, then the second lowest, and finally the third lowest.   After I lost the third one I dug up the tree and checked for root rot (there was none) I added some pellet fertilizer, and put it back in its pot.  I also added three grow lights to it as I thought maybe the new position received less light, but the problem persists with the fourth leaf set.  What could be the cause and the solution?


Favorite Answer

Is it still growing new leaves? If so, then you shouldn't worry too much about the old ones dying. Even on evergreen plants, individual leaves do not last forever - they eventually die, starting from the oldest leaves, but that's fine as new leaves grow at the top of the plant to take their place.

If it isn't growing new leaves to replace them, then I would think lack of fertiliser or lack of water is the issue. Is the pot it's in definitely large enough? 8-9 feet is pretty large for a potted plant. Something that size really wants to be in something at least half-barrel sized. 


The tree is dead from a virus or a fungus.  Not unusual if the tree is kept indoors.  Coconut trees need a lot of sunlight.