Religious people, why was religion used as a tool for segregation if it's supposed to bring people together?
For over 400 years and counting it has been a widely held belief that black people were put on earth by God to serve the white man. Whenever I hear Christians speak of heaven it sounds like 1950's America, a utopia for only a select few while everyone else suffers, and this is supposed to seem appealing to me? When did diversity become such a bad thing, why should everything be the same way? Why even bother separating good from evil in the afterlife if we can all coexist here on Earth? Historically, we used to believe in just one underworld, but this did not prevent you from being judged accordingly for your actions. Why must there be a special place for Christians, Jews, or Muslims where only they are allowed to be there? I may be an atheist but that doesn't mean I want everyone around me to be a nonbeliever. I think you can learn a lot from those who are different from you. How would that be possible if everybody acted the same? How could you grow as person living this way?
I guess Fireball has never met a racist person before.