Why do people call me “sir” if I am not even that old and they are the same age as me?

I am offended 


I was called Sir as a child - it is an address of respect and derives from "sire" which is usually reserved for people of high social status.  Perhaps you'd prefer to be called "peasant" or "peon"?


No one has the right to not be offended.  Perhaps you would prefer to be referred to as "sir" vice "dork". 


At Ecclesiastes 7:9, the Bible states: “The taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.” This verse shows that we should not be overly sensitive when someone offends us; rather, we should be forgiving.


Nobody really gives a sh!t about you so you can wallow in your own pretentious self-importance all you like. 



Tough shxt.

We follow the old school ways in propriety and demeanor.

If you dont like it... I can always call you an a hole?

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