I’ve been friends with her for more than half my life, and I love her to death, but I can’t stand hanging out with her anymore. I like weed don’t get me wrong , but she is completely dependent on it, I haven’t seen her not high in months. The problem is she can’t not be high, and when she’s high she’s extremely irritating because she acts completely dumb and not like her self. It gets embarrassing always walking into places reeking like weed as she’s practically yelling and not picking up on any social cues. I find my self avoiding hanging out with her and I feel bad but I’m not sure how to approach it. I’ve tried throwing hints that I don’t like it, or that it’s not really healthy to do it all the time when your still young but hasn’t done anything.
Favorite Answer
As a stoner, I can understand your perspective. There IS a time and a place. Be blunt with her and tell her exactly what you posted here. Some people are reliant on marijuana for a reason, and she might be going through something and it just helps. The best thing to do is talk to her and see if you can work it out. Communication is always key. Your feelings are valid too.
Then stop spending time with her. If she asks you why, you can tell her that you don’t like being around her when she’s high, and since she’s high all the time, you don’t have any time you want to hang out with her. You aren’t her life or morality police, your opinion about her pot use isn’t anything she cares about. You aren’t going to change her, so don’t waste your efforts and energy trying. Just stop hanging out with her and keep moving forward with your own life.
I'm going through the same thing with my 33 year old daughter. She has every excuse under the sun why she is not an addict and why smoking Mary J everyday is perfectly normal. I don't do "hints", I tell her like it is and point out to her how being high everyday, all day if she can afford it is WRONG! She applied for the Army a few days ago.. FAILED. Her attitude, FAIL. Her behavior, FAIL. Her life, DRAMA! I point these things out to her every time she calls me with what she calls a life. She becomes irritated with me for pointing out the many negatives that is her life and you know what? Her calling is becoming less and less with time because she doesn't want to hear truths. If we lived in the same state, city etc. I would NOT have her to my home because I don't enjoy communication with a pot head, the conversation is mind numbing. Darlin, set your friend free, for your own sanity. When she gets tired of being shunned by you and others like me, she'll hopefully get her act together, or like my daughter maybe not. In any case, we can love people from afar.
With a few friends I have a "no booze" rule. If we hang around together, there can't be any alcohol consumption, can't be alcohol intoxication. Maybe you need that kind of rule with this friend. "I like you, but I don't like the way you act when you're high on marijuana. If we can't hang around together without marijuana, then I guess we can't hang around together at all. Let me know if you want to sober up for a morning or afternoon and do something."