am i toxic...?

my boyfriend and i are long distance. but i can’t help but get upset when he is with his friends and when he isn’t at home. he likes to ignore me when he’s with his friends and god knows where he’s at when he isn’t home. when he’s with his friends i get so upset because he ignores me because he thinks he’s “cool.” he doesn’t care when i’m upset when he’s with friends either. i have major trust issues and need constant reassurance. i overthink a ton also... am i toxic?


I don’t think you are toxic, but this is the result of long distance. I feel like when you are long distance , it should be made up with talking throughout the day, or seeing each other enough to the point where it won’t create insecurities in the relationship when your boyfriend wants space with his friends. Seems like he might be lacking both of those. I think you should talk to him, and maybe tell him that it bothers you that he doesn’t keep in touch with you especially because you are long distance. You might want to reconsider if this relationship is worth your time, seeming how you need lots of reassurance , which is hard to do when you are long distance. 


i would hope not