Yahoo Answers:  When will my Notifications be returned?


Thanks for your answers.  And I apologize for annoying people with this question but they never fix it until after I complain on here.   I have done nothing to disable the notifications.  And refreshing the screen does not help.  Feel free to ignore this question in the future because it happens about every month or so.  


Thank you, Yahoo. 


Favorite Answer

If you are getting the Opps Error Message when you try to Load your Notifications try Refreshing the Page and see if it comes back if it does not then your just gonna have to wait til Yahoo Fixes it Unfortunately Nobody here knows when it will be Fixed 


When YOU re-enable them. Yahoo and Verizon staff DO NOT READ OR MONITOR the YA forums. They do NIT respond to demands from YA users who refuse to or do not know how to access the Yahoo Help pages. 

Try editing your YA activity profile. This is either a glitch or Verizon periodically resets something that changes the the mail settings in the YA activity profile. BTW, I do not have a bell icon unless I go to desktop view on my cell phone. 

Your device needs to be in desktop MODE. My cell phone is new enough that that I don't have reset that. 


No one here can answer that. No one working for Yahoo/Verizon posts here. I just clicked the bell icon and my Notifications appeared just fine. If yours aren't showing up when you click the icon, refresh the screen (multiple times if needed) and see if that helps (it does for me, when I get the "oops" message).