Why do celebrities commit suicide ?

I dont get it !!
If I was depressed and rich I would get on a plane and go to the Bahamas or something 


Favorite Answer

I agree. Those who say money doesn't buy happiness have never been poor. 


That just goes to show you that money doesn't buy happiness.


Money, fame, prestige, power...demonstrably these things are no guarantee of happiness.  People have been saying "Money can't buy happiness" to you all your life and you still had no inkling?

BTW, if you're depressed, going to the Bahamas doesn't fix that.  You just end up depressed in the Bahamas.

But I suppose you aren't going to make any more sense out of that than you did "Money can't buy happiness".


They probably practice satanism and are forced to engage in all types of filth and weird underground rituals by elites in exchange for wealth. But the fact remains that material wealth doesn’t equal happiness.  

ANDRE L2021-02-28T04:18:30Z

Because you posted this sh*te into R&S rather than Celebrities.

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