Are the Christians, who think God approves of gays now when God did not approve of gays back then, delusional?


Why did the disciples say that the lust between men and the lust between women was unnatural and not say that it was fornication outside of marriage? Because what gays and lesbians do is unnatural and not fornication to God and His born again people.


I do not feel like finding it again but you should watch a you tube video I found of this women saying that her flock that she cares about told this man who preached against gays that she did not appreciate what he was saying about her flock. She professed to be a Christian.


What is wrath? Wrath is hate. I consider wrath to be hate. Its obvious. Anger as the bible says means that you have murdered someone in your heart. Anger is hate. It is obvious. Do not lets the sun go down on your anger. Therefore is you get angry everyday then you have practiced hate everyday of your life. I know I have.


And wrath comes comes on the sons of disobedience and if God is slow to anger ultimately He is angry with you now everyday because He knows eventually He is going to be angry with you therefore has already has a deep seated anger for ya.


Yes. Very easy to become delusional when we are exposed to the many ungodly beliefs and practices accepted as normal by the society around us. But God's position on such issues hasn't changed in the slightest, and never will. He still condemns murder, stealing, rape, incest, fornication, adultery, homosexual acts, and all the other human activities He has identified as immoral.


Yes, and somewhat evil.


The Bible doesn't recognise the category "gay" but appears to portray sex between men as sinful.  Although there are clobber texts which seem to imply that, those same texts sometimes seem to imply that the survivors of child sexual abuse are damned.  Clearly very few people would accept that and there are no arguments about that issue, so whatever process leads them to that conclusion needs also to be applied to the absurd claim that homosexual acts are sinful in contexts where heterosexual ones aren't.

Your Word is a light to my roadway2021-02-28T07:12:59Z

God clearly tells us that he does not change, what he said was bad before is still bad today. Malachi 3:6 For I am Jehovah; I do not change. Titus 1:2 God cannot lie


Apparently the disciples think God's opinion did not change on this matter. That one seems to be behind the times.

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