Is being born from above the same as being born again of the spirit when Holy Spirit baptized?
Who told you "Holy Spirit Baptism is for the power to minister" when Acts 2:39 says "For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call?" (Acts 2:39)!
When are you people going to realize we are (((BORN))) ***DEAD*** spirits" (Romans 5:12-14; I Cor 15:21-22) who must have (((POWER))) (Acts 1:8) come upon us" after Holy Spirit baptism (Acts 1:5) Who "QUICKENS us back to life" (Eph 2:1)?
In order to (((BE))) "born (((AGAIN))) of the Spirit" (John 3:5-7) for "SALVATION" (Mark 16:16) and is (((NO DIFFERENT)))?
How did you get His Spirit inside of you (Rm 8:9) to house the Holy Spirit but you don't have His (((POWER))) (Acts 1:8) (((SPIRITUAL GIFTS))) (I Cor 12:7-10) and (((SIGNS FOLLOWING))) (Mark 16:17-18) Jesus said comes with His Spirit dwelling inside of you (Rm 8:9) after Holy Spirit baptism (Acts 1:5; I Cor 12:13; Mk 16:16) when we are "no longer in the flesh but in the Spirit (Rm 8:9)?
What RAPTURE? When that's when you physically die and it's too late (Ecc 9:5)?
I know you really believe what man has taught you, BUT IT'S A LIE.
No truer words ever spoken "We are talking about changing the destiny for believers" in His (((POWER))) that comes upon us (Acts 1:8) Who QUICKENS us (I Cor 15:45) "back to life" (Eph 2:1) from our "DEAD spirits" (Romans 5:12-14; I Cor 15:21-22) as we are "born again of the spirit" (John 3:5-7) "Which were born ["Again" John 3:5-7], not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:13) or "FROM ABOVE"
You "FORGET GOD" (Psalm 9:17) SAID we are born "DEAD spirits" and just went straight to "Whoever believes in Him..." but you don't believe we MUST be "QUICKENED back to life" (Eph 2:1) by His (((POWER))) that comes upon us (Acts 1:8) Who QUICKENS us (I Cor 15:45) "back to life" (Eph 2:1) from our "DEAD spirits" (Romans 5:12-14; I Cor 15:21-22) as we are "born again of the spirit" (John 3:5-7)
"Which were born ["Again" John 3:5-7], not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:13) or "FROM ABOVE"
If you miss the "QUICKENING back to life" (Eph 2:1) part you remain a "DEAD spirit" (((STILL IN SIN))) (Romans 6:23).
You (((CAN NOT))) ***BY-PASS*** being "QUICKENED back to life" (Ephesians 2:1) or the Scriptures don't apply to you.
The (((ONLY WAY))) one can be "QUICKENED back to life" is by His (((POWER))) that comes upon us" (Acts 1:8) after Holy Spirit baptism (Acts 1:5) with (((PROOF))) of "Spiritual gifts" (I Cor 12:7-10) and "Signs following" (Mk 16:17-18) to (((CONFIRM))) that the LORD is working with you" (Mk 16:20).
Jeremiah 1:12!