woke up this morning and couldn’t see straight ?

i woke up with my eyes hurting and extremely blurred vision. i have glasses but only need them for school (reading.) this has never happened to me before. i couldn’t see something clearly that was right in front of me. i can normally see things close to me but not far. is there something wrong with my eyes? 


i read something about an ocular migraine? but i don’t really have a headache. just my eyes hurt and my vision is blurred. 


Favorite Answer

Think carefully about what you have been doing lately - have you started a new medication? Taken any kind of medication/drugs lately? How about eye strain - were you reading with poor lighting, for a long period of time? Think carefully about what you might have done to cause this.. 
Are you dehydrated? Drink lots of plain water, does it help?
Take a cloth, dip it in hot water (not too hot!), and drape over your eyes for a few minutes.. this will relax all the nerves around your eyes, and might help.
Any other symptoms, such as dizziness, vomiting for no apparent reason, headache, lack of balance? 
With my own health, I like to take a 'wait and see' approach.. when something like this happens, I don't rush off to the doctors, I wait  and IF instead of getting better, it gets worse, then I go and see a doctor.. We are not doctors.. if this continues for more than a few hours, talk to a doctor.. it's not normal. But also, don't panic.. no point in worrying twice! Hope everything is fine. 


worse case it's a tumor growing on your optic nerve . 


As long as you aren't seeing gay than you're okay. All jokes aside, you might have a concussion. Talk with your parents immediately.