How long do police kept suspects identify being storage inside Automatic Number Plate Recognition database?

Just wondering how long information of crime report stay in system before it already taken care of before being erased?

Example: let supposed somebody see him with big boxes of cocaine bring into his vehicle. This person call police giving them information mention what witness saw.

Next the police dispatcher might put it on computer informing all Automatic Number Plate Recognition. That way let say another police department spotted this car 20 minutes later at 10 miles later. Can pull this guy over and searching arrest him for possession of cocaine.

Let supposed so how long it will be in system? Just ya know let say police see this vehicle a week later in different state. By that time cocaine not in vehicle anymore.

Maybe not week but months or years later?

Nekkid Truth!2021-03-03T16:16:04Z

Favorite Answer

It doesn't get "erased"..  it stays in a file.   The case either gets closed or put into a cold case file, but can always be opened and reviewed.   


It doesn't get erased until there is no longer a reason to search for the particular license plate.  At that time the info is removed from the system.  Yes, OF COURSE one Police Officer can arrest someone based on someone else's complaing. Is tht what you are asking?