What are some things no amount of money no matter how much could buy?


I mean real things. Not fantasy imaginary things.


and i dont mean what you had for dinner last night. thats not what im asking.


All of the  money in universes c-137;c-138;c-139; c141; c142; c143; c144;c-149 and c-157 combined.

Brian Mcilwee2021-03-04T15:05:46Z

The bottle of beer I drank last week.

It was a craft brew by a friend of mine and only 4 gallons of it were ever made.  That was the last bottle.  One can make a similar beer using the same recipe, but it will not be that EXACT one...from the first batch...that tasted so great.

So you cannot buy that beer for love or money ... and I doubt you could get enough money together to build a time machine and go back in time and buy it before I opened it and drank it.

