operation for lip cancer / a wise choice?

I have squamous cell carcinoma ( lip cancer) am 77 years od , i have had type 2 diabetes for over 30 years / high blood pressure / spnal arthiritis/prostate problems/ocasional ches t pains/and difficult breathing / imballance - missing toes on both feet (diabetes) very poor vision (diabetes) and my surgeon wants to operate on the cancer on my lip . As i mentioned i am 77 years old and have a biological age of about 80 - 2.5 yeas to go . is getting an operation a wise choice giving all the above conditions of my health . Your comments gratefully appreciated.

ron h2021-03-21T04:01:12Z

well if you don't this is likely your end.  We all hope for a brain aneurism while we're riding a 25 year old, but that's not the common way to go.  If you think that tomorrow is gonna be a worth getting up for, yeah, do it.  But it's just too hard to get through most days, then maybe not.  Of course, you do realize that surgery will end your beauty contest days, right?


Consider your quality of life, allowing for your limits. 


Only a doctor who is familiar with your case can advise you.
My squamous cell tumour went from the size of a broad bean to the size of a fist in about 6 weeks.
Personally, I would have loved it to have been found & removed while small.

A Hunch2021-03-05T02:03:08Z

We have no idea.  You need to discuss this with your doctor.
A lot of squamous cell carcinoma can be treated with a simple office procedure

Diane A2021-03-05T01:41:25Z

You really need to discuss this with your docs, the cosmetic results, the projected tumor growth, the possible effects of not doing surgery like pain, and all options.

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