Why is a very large amout of ram needed for AI?


I love how this was originally a dating question.


megalomaniac, if you were the right kind of candy for me i wouldn't need 8 gb of RAM to figure it out, would I?


Favorite Answer

The larger the RAM the higher the amount of data it can handle hence faster processing. With larger RAM you can use your machine to perform other tasks as the model trains.


A large amount of RAM needed for your AI, because of proper speed.

Spock (rhp)2021-03-05T22:10:53Z

very large numbers of calculations with huge numbers of intermediate results


It's a trend to let robot replace the human to do some kinda jobs. Even there are so many people crowded on the planet, the efficiency and cost Are still high. AI is far from mature but sooner or later it will get perfect to do many jobs. So funds are invested In this field. Many investments will end up getting futile. Taking the risks is a necessary procedure and the cost is worth it.
Maybe sometime later, the robot will become the master on this planet by a coup. It seems like getting into science fiction. It's really hard to say. But our generation would not witness it anyway. We're out of time.


As it turns out thinking is a lot more complicated than it seems.  I suppose that's why so many humans try to avoid it at all costs.

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