has anyone had the covid vaccine yet?

were you worried about having it because of all the scaremongers saying there are toxins in the vaccines that are harmful?

i'm due to get my first vaccine, in a weeks time, i'm a male in my 40s now and i manage type 2 diabetes as well and i'm worried about having the vaccine because of all the stories ive heard online..

can anyone calm my fears?


thanks to everyone and 'tavy' who answered as well.


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I'm type 2 diabetic also, and in my late 50s.  I had the Pfizer vaccine about a month ago.  My arm was a little sore, and I was a bit achy the next day, which may or may not have been related to the vaccine.  My wife had her second dose a week or so ago, similarly, she had a sore arm, and was a bit lethargic the next day.  

It was offered through where I work.  I talked to a lot of people who got it, and the only trend I noticed was women seemed to have more side effects than men.  The worst was a woman who had a fever a bit over 103, but it cleared up within 24 hours. 

I suspect everything will go fine for you.  Don't worry, just appreciate the fact that you are able to get it. 


Hell no. It's just a scam so Pfizer can line their pockets. Big pharma profit comes before our health.


I'd say DON'T GET this experimental 'vaccine'!!!

Listen to Dr Sherri Tenpenny and Delores Cahill (Amongst many others who are warning people about the dangers) and also look up VAERS as they have had many reports of adverse effects and deaths, but only 1% are reported, so it's actually a lot more!!!


A Hunch2021-03-05T21:51:25Z

I'm not concerned about toxins.
I'm more concerned about the lack of testing and limited knowledge of covid and the vaccine.

You don't need to get the vaccine, if you don't want.  We have no idea if it's really doing anything or not. 

Are you in the UK?  It doesn't matter, but there is a fantastic UK retired nurse who does daily covid & medical talks on youtube = Dr. John Campbell.  Watch his info about vitamin D and other things.

Don't listen to Tavy.  She doesn't even know how to spell the manufacturer's name = Pfizer.
- she also doesn't realize that the vaccine is for sure not 100% effective. 


I had the Phyzer no way was I worried. Sore arm nothing else.  You spend too much time surfing the internet.
Read the science.

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