Am i bitter?

Im female. Im upset that my friend can easily attract guys when I cant. Im lonely and sexually fustrated


You're female.  I'm guessing you're not disabled, know how to practice acceptable hygiene and can walk and talk at the same time.  You might not "easily" attract the kind of guys whom you're also attracted to, but as guys have a much, MUCH higher sex drive then women, you will have better luck than many men in your position.

Anonymous2021-03-07T06:10:15Z for your very own bob


Well that is your first problem that you are jealous of your friend. Maybe put yourself out there a little. Maybe even make the first move or become more approachable 


It's simple your turn yet. You are growing up. They will observe a swan twisted from an ugly duckling. Besides, buys are also growing up. They will shift their interest soon.
But every group of people has a different level grade. You should enrich yourself.


What makes you think you can’t ? Guys are very simple creatures and while a lot may seem to be attracted to your friend, I bet if you put yourself out there, just as much would you also. Guys are humans to and all have different types. Don’t sell yourself short or dim yourself because you worry your friend is more capable with guys than you.

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