If I have to redownload a game that I got for free from Playstation Plus, will I lose the saved data from that game?

I'm not doing auto renew on my PS+ account, and there's a couple games I've downloaded from their free sets each month. Will I lose my saved data from those games if I do that?


Favorite Answer

It depends on if you still  have game save data on your machine that wasn't deleted when you deleted the game and if you had your save state saved to the cloud.


Green 666 by isotope rays is NOT forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners/insane asylum folks (released by the antichrist) 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you; burn documents as documents are from Satan.