I’m super pissed off how she treats me what should I do ?

I am living with my family and her kids today things haven’t been going great I am avoiding talking to her she doesn’t seem to understand what I am going through how I feel about her kids so her kid text me today saying why am I being mean to his mom I said to him he doesn’t need to deal with it I have been working 6 years on having her oldest in my life and hopefully think of him as a brother but doesn’t seem to do any good she tells me to talk to her but then she barely listens to me so what should I do from here just ditch the relationship and move on in life is it really worth it ? The pain i am feeling is bad 


 dab si gnileef ma i niap ehT ? ti htrow yllaer ti si efil ni no evom dna pihsnoitaler eht hctid tsuj ereh morf od I dluohs tahw os em ot snetsil ylerab ehs neht tub reh ot klat ot em sllet ehs doog yna od ot mees t’nseod tub rehtorb a sa mih fo kniht yllufepoh dna efil ym ni tsedlo reh gnivah no sraey 6 gnikrow neeb evah I ti htiw laed ot deen t’nseod eh mih ot dias I mom sih ot naem gnieb I ma yhw gniyas yadot em txet dik reh os sdik reh tuoba leef I woh hguorht gniog ma I tahw dnatsrednu ot mees t’nseod ehs reh ot gniklat gnidiova ma I taerg gniog neeb t’nevah sgniht yadot sdik reh dna ylimaf ym htiw gnivil ma

T J2021-03-07T09:47:05Z

Move n, go live your life, and be happy.


man, it is a mess and it sounds like she only wants you for cash and company - find someone else and don't be so beta