What would be some good examples of sexual harassment in the work place?

I texted a female coworker of mine who had gone home sick cause she was throwing up a GIF that said "Get well soon" and it had a can of Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup in the background and she filed sexual harassment against me.  There never has or was anything going on between the two of us, she simply felt that it was inappropriate


That wouldn't happen on earth. So try again.
I'm not sure why you created a fake sexual harassment story, but my guess is you think sexual harassment is OK. Because making up fake stories only serves one  purpose. It makes others think all sexual harassment complaints are fake. 


There's more to this story.  Let's hear it.


Seems one can file just about any accusation but it does need to be validated.

Lone Cat2021-03-07T19:11:01Z

English fail.  I recognize all the words, but I really don't know what your talking about.