How to screw plywood to a Rubbermaid bin?

The picture shows an air-powered mobile waste oil pump I threw together.
The Rubbermaid bin it's sitting on is useful as a place to put the messy hoses.I'd like to attach the plywood base to the blue bin. But the plastic is sort of flimsy.It's more than strong enough to support the weight of the pump, but I will need to put some holes in it to fasten the plywood to it.I was thinking maybe rip a 3/8" board and jam an inch-wide piece under the lip, and screw deck screws from the top through the plastic into the board underneath.But that sounds messy and my aim probably isn't very good.If you've got a cleaner solution I'd like to hear it!This is a bit of a stupid question so I know I will get some of the smartass answers that YA is famous for. I welcome them if it helps people work through whatever they're going though lol


My post was originally several paragraphs to make it easier to read.

I wish yahoo didn't feel the need to jam everything together.  We'll see if it does the same thing with this update.

T C2021-03-08T04:14:48Z

Favorite Answer

Use some washers with the screws and screw through the plastic into the plywood. I don't know how thick your plywood is if it's also 3/8 .... you may need to clip the point of the screw so it doesn't pop through.
Or you can do it your way, which would work also.

STEVEN F2021-03-09T01:05:43Z

Find the lid that came with the bin. It CLIPS to the bin. It will be FAR easier to attach the plywood to the lid than to the bin.

Spock (rhp)2021-03-08T21:15:27Z

if you use rubber washers on your screws, you can screw right through the bottom of the bin into plywood and it won't leak.  try #10 x 5/8 inch wood screws.


Forget the Rubbermaid and build a box out of plywood. Design the whole thing from scratch. There are various paints and resins that can waterproof the inside after it's made. Your issue is in trying to work with the wrong part to begin with. Stop doing that.


Put a couple of timber battens (2x1) under the ply and screw through from above and make a snug fit to rim of bucket on long sides, or screw through the wall of the bucket.

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