Do you pronounce it (pecan) like PEE-CON or PEE-CAN?

I pronounce it PEE-CAN cause its pure southern American English. People who pronounce it PEE-CON must be from somewhere else


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Funnily enough, a mate of mine and I had this discussion just last night. It's 'Pee-can'. 


I say PAY-con. 

Spock (rhp)2021-03-08T21:25:24Z

i'm from the north and had to relearn how to pronounce that when i moved to the south.  it's now pee-cans.

Karen L2021-03-08T21:08:12Z

PEE-can is what I say. But both pronunciations are acceptable. PEE-can is the 'English' pronunciation, and Pee-CON (or really, puh-CON is the way it's said) is based on the French pronunciation and is more likely to be found in the south than in the north, but people in both north and south use both pronunciations.


I honestly say both.  My mom says "Pee-CAWNS" though, but I feel like pronunciation wise, "Pee-CAN" makes more sense.  And my mom grew up in the US near D.C, so idk where she got that from haha. 

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