AC powers?

How can I help someone get used to having electricity again after more than 7 years of no electricity in her house?


Pay the bill?                         .


Why is this question in the Photography section?

Anyway, I would suggest educating them on power saving, being aware of which types of light bulbs are more efficient and environmentally friendly.  Inform them of their energy costs, how that can fluctuate during peak and off-peak hours, and how to be less wasteful with their electricity usage.

Advise them to call their power company and request a house efficiency inspection.  Power companies usually do this for free where they come out and check for heat leaks such as gaps in exterior doors.

Last but not least, teach them not to put a fork into an electrical outlet.


Dump a gigantic pile of dust in the middle of the floor and leave an electric vacuum cleaner plugged in right next to it.  Your friend will be very glad to make use of it.


7 years without electricity? Wow, she must be in shock.

Yes, yes Gabita. I can understand your concern. After being without it for seven years, I can certainly understand your fears that it may be too much of a jolt for her..

Is this something you have known about for some time that you finally blew a fuse over? Or was it more sudden, like getting struck by a bolt of lightning?


Pay for her to be reconnected to the grid, and for an electrician to check her set-up is safe and ready for use.

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