Jesus never committed sin, is it because he is also a God who own everything including 10 commandments?

I remembered when I was little kid. My Mom and Dad made a house rules. I get punished if broke their rule.

One day I witnessed parent themselves broke the rule. I said to them you broke the rule you should get punishment like I get for break the rule. Parent say they make the rule which mean they own the rule and they can rewrite the rule anytime they want. And they can do thing I can't because I don't own and make a rule.

So is this apply to Jesus too? So meaning Jesus did and can do all kind of things and yet not commit a sin, us we commit sin, we let Jesus pay for our sons 


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Actually the Ten Commandments were issued to Moses and the Jews not Jesus and the Christians.

Forrest Toney2021-03-10T09:00:47Z

Jesus was no way as good as God Mat. 19:17


No, he never committed sin because he is so overwhelmingly good and has the corresponding strength of character.  Yes, he is Jehovah incarnate, the creation and begotten son of God (who is Elohim), but that didn't keep him from being peccable.


Jesus never committed sin. Is it because he is also a God who ownS everything including 10 commandments?  Really weird question.  Jesus didn't sin because he's God the Son.


Jesus didn't commit a sin, because he did as he told us:

(John 8:29) “29 And the One who sent me is with me; he did not abandon me to myself, because I always do the things pleasing to him.””

Jesus always did the things pleasing to his God and Father.

(John 15:10) “10 If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love.”

Jesus always observed the commandments of his God and Father, thus he always remains in God's love.


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