after sex i broke down and cried?

can someone please tell me what might be up...? i just had sex with a guy and afterwards i just started bawling. it wasn’t because of happiness or pain. 


Maybe it triggered a memory of something traumatic? Have you had a bad experience before with sex? Maybe it was that. If not, some people have this reaction and it's an intense release of tears because of the emotional connection with your partner but it sounds like that isn't the case.


It's possible that you experienced what I'm going to call an aftershock. This happened to me once and completely freaked out my boyfriend, lol. 
Basically, we had sex and I burst into tears afterwards for no apparent reason. I think I was a little bit overwhelmed and it had been fairly intense. Like you, no pain and not like intense joy or anything. 
Maybe that's what happened to you. 


You just itching that’s all and indicating that you need to be plow soon

seedy history2021-03-09T19:33:42Z

Having sex with "a guy" might be a blow to your own self respect and image. You can forgive yourself and over come it. Don't allow yourself to try to teach yourself that it's okay to treat sex, and yourself, as if they are meaningless. It seems your very body is telling you that you ARE of value and meaning.