Why most people mentally intending to escape when heard cop is on way?

Last nite I saw two teenagers girl got into argue at one of big supermarket parking lot. I believed they both might've go to same high school. Don't know what they yelling at each other about. Could be over boys jealousy or something.

There is several witnesses, the store manager came outside and told those two girls that police is on the way they better leave. Next those two girls ran into their vehicle and drive off from parking lot.

I asked manager how he called police that fast, he say he don't but just try scare them away because don't want problems on their property.

Turned out police is coming because one of witnesses at parking lot got scared and call 911 without telling anybody.

I just thought if you can sweet talk or made a good fast talker then police might follow you and do you a favor at the end. You win and everything goes your way.

Just thought if can sweet talk to store manager and cops, maybe they will be on your side and go against other.

Often when there is conflict and cops show up, it made me felt proud and brave and gonna say police is on my side because I know I am 100 percent right and you're totally wrong.


Don't they end up feel good and felt like hero like winner if they end up agree and say you're right at the end? You won't get that chance if ran away avoid from deal with it

Judy and Charlie2021-03-11T04:02:46Z

Favorite Answer

Cops will not automatically take your side no matter how ingratiating you are to them.  People do this to them all the time and they are wise to it.  They have to investigate and get BOTH sides of the story.  In the end, you may not be the winner you hope to be.


Trying to sweet talk people that are fighting doesn't help.
Calling the police is really the only rational option.


I have no idea what "made a good fast talker" means.  I suspect that if interact with "Cops" so regularly that you can speak from experience, you have your own set of issues.  I strongly suspect the "Cops" are not going to take your side against the property manager.  I have NO idea what "Don't they end up feel good and felt like hero like winner if they end up agree and say you're right at the end? You won't get that chance if ran away avoid from deal with" means.


cause they dont want to deal with them