I'm due to retire in 10-15 years. I have $100,000 to my name. I've decided to risk it and invest in stocks. Is Motley Fool's advice good?
I know that my only hope is to aggressively invest my money. I've started putting a good chunk of my near-minimum wage paycheck into a 401K. And I have put $14,000 into an IRA. Both of which I've chosen the "aggressive" option. I've only started doing this a year ago.
I know if I stayed safe with my money, the resulting growth wouldn't be enough to live off of for more than a couple of years. So I decided to gamble and aggressively put a good chunk of my money into stocks. I know very about stock investing. A week ago I bought $1000 in 5 stocks and a couple of different cryptos. So far things have fluctuated, but I have made a tiny profit.
I was thinking about using Motley Fools' advice and invest in their 10 suggested stocks and cross my fingers.
Is this a really bad idea? Is there a better option? remember I only have $100,000 and retire in 10-15 years. I'm willing to take risks.