I'm confused what the dress code is at work?

So my work is confusing about dress code, generally you can wear shorts to or below the knee. I wore some where my knees technically showed, and they told me if I did that again I'd be sent home with a disciplinary action.. 
Thing is, I had been wearing them a while for summer months and no one said anything until a customer got a picture of me in those shorts and the picture got out.. 
And I've seen other cashiers there daily wearing shorts way higher than their knee, and they never get yelled at... 
Then more recent in winter months, I came to work asking if we could wear a pullover hoodie so I wouldn't get in trouble again.. The manager said no I cannot, because my work shirt has to be seen.. But as soon as I walked away from that manager to start my shift, I glanced around and there were at least 4 other coworkers wearing hoodies and no one said anything to them..... 
Sooo I'm confused, can we break dress code for work as long as we're not caught?? 


And can I wear a hoodie now that I asked and they specifically told me no, if everyone else is doing so?? 


The key differentiators of business attire in a casual workplace include allowing employees to wear jeans, shorts, and athletic shoes daily. Additionally, clothing items such as t-shirts, sandals, and very informal pants and shirts are allowed.


You seem to like pushing the limits, don't you? That is going to get you into trouble one day, and you will wonder what happened!

Remember that they are paying you for your time. If you don't like that, then leave. But until then, you need to follow THEIR rules! Like it or not, that's how we play the game. Start your own business.... then YOU can tell your workers what they can or cannot wear. Free for all? Let's see.

Every business or work place has their own set of rules of what is acceptable behaviour. You need to know them BEFORE you start working there. It is up to you to accept or not. Work there or not. You have the freedom of choice.


There is a difference between hoodie and a pullover


The company should have a dress code. Out dress code is hanging in the back room for all to see. Ask your manager for the official dress code of the company (or ask HR) so you don’t get caught wearing inappropriate clothes to work again.


I think this is pretty simple.  If you hve a manager telling you what to do, you should listen to the manager, regardless of what others do.  

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