Why does a draft dodger like John Bolton love war so much?

He wanted a full scale war with Iran to invade and topple the regime, same with Syria and North Korea. He supported the Iraq war and wants to keep the troops in Afghanistan. Last but not least he calls Russia our biggest threat wait not China?. John Bolton who never served in the military and did not go into Vietnam when it was his time seems to be in love with war.


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Aside from Mr. Bolton's views which I do not necessarily agree with, here's the thing-

The principle of civilian control of the military means that it would be dangerous to make the criterion to do Mr. Bolton's job being a veteran. FDR was a wartime leader from a wheelchair who grew up very wealthy. Eisenhower was a great leader from a modest background who worked his way up the ranks. People who want to serve their country should be welcomed and judged on their work, not necessarily their background. 


Awfully judgemental over somebody elses war time record. Where did you fight when they drafted you? 

Weasel McWeasel2021-03-16T13:53:21Z

Not true he dodged the draft.....he actually joined.....a National Guard unit,  of course.........as that was usually an effective dodge  to avoid being DRAFTED at the time and sent to NAM,  -- if you were already serving some chickensh*t post  stateside .

(see George W. Bush) 

you hid out in some stateside base flying a desk somewhere---and pretended you served. 

Naturally these types were the biggest proponents of WAR and sending OTHER troops into battle.........but preferred to comment on the war,  from their cushy stateside jobs. 

Of course from their desks on their lunch hours,  they imagined themselves as GREAT wartime planners and strategists,  and built their careers talking about things they knew jack squat about. 


when did he dodge the draft? was he drafted?

Mr. Smartypants2021-03-16T00:51:56Z

Just about all the Republicans in Congress who were all in favor of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and wanted to take Iran also, were of age for the Vietnam War but decided not to go.  We call them the Chicken Hawks.  Never met a war they didn't like, but they weren't going to interrupt their own lives, or their kids' lives.  Bolton is no different from the rest of them, just more open about it.

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