Bird lightly bumping into window?

We've had a bird feeder up for the past couple months. There's usually tons of birds at it all day every day. However, today the only bird that is coming up to it is one chickadee who keeps flying and gently bumping the window and staring inside. This has never happened before and it seems like its trying to get in or get our attention. I went outside to see if it had a nest and needed help but I couldn't find anything. I'm not sure what to do but i want to help it.


Favorite Answer

It is quite likely it is seeking your attention. I had a robin do a similar thing years ago. It kept jumping up and down on a window ledge. When I went outside it flew up onto the gutter on my garage. Then, whilst I watched, it flew to the ground and three baby robins lept off the gutter to join it. Then the robin led them in procession across my lawn to a nearby hedge. I accompanied them as there are always cats about. Birds are intelligent creatures. They just can't be bothered with us until they need us!


You really should move the bird feeder or you're going to wind up killing some.  


Birds cannot recognise glass, but can see what is on the other side, or get confused by reflections in it. 


He sees his reflection in the glass.