Is it pointless trying to convince someone you're not into bad things if they already believe you are and nothing can change their minds?

Reminds me of religious people no matter how much you show there's no evidence for any gods they still believe! xD


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Yes it is...............


Jumping to irrational conclusions is a problem for the person who does so, not for the person they falsely accuse. Which has nothing to do with the ignorance of some people regarding the reality of God. Trying to convince me that I don't know someone I live with and communicate with every day, like my wife, my kids, or God, is just plain irrational.


We don't believe without evidence.  Whatever gave you that idea?  Those who reject God are fools, for they reject God when there is evidence, but you are the losers so get on with it.


You're fishing for a "yes" answer by make it a loaded question. You're saying the point is to change their mind and then putting the condition that nothing can change their mind, thus answering the question yourself as you take all possible answers off the table save for the "yes" answer you for whatever cockamamie reason really want to get.


Yeah. Especially on Yahoo Answers :P

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