What is the difference between Anthony Fauci and a stopped clock?

Personally I think the main difference is that a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Anon e mouse, I am smarter and educated and that is why I do not consider what he has to say as the "gospel". It is people such as yourself who do not have what it takes to think for themselves or to have original thoughts. The things he has said and then contradicted himself are just too numerous to get into here. You just keep drinking the Kool aid and staying in mommy's basement instead of being on your own in the real world.


Dr Fauci is one of the most respected infectious disease experts on the planet and you're not. Case closed.


He's a government puppet. I don't put much stock into what he says. This is the same guy who said you could get AIDS by hugging someone, and that masks don't stop COVID at the beginning of the pandemic. Once he was paid off, he suddenly started saying that masks are the only way to stop COVID. He is completely out of touch with reality too. He said that "In-restaurant dining can start to slowly come back by the 4th quarter of 2021". Well, I have news for you Dr Fauci - almost every place in the US has indoor dining going on right now. He seems to live in his own world in his head where everything is still shut down like it was a year ago. 


A stopped clock is more entertaining but Dr. Fauci is better loved and respected.


If you were smarter or educated you’d have a high opinion of him. Enjoy Fox News while you can. Read a freaking book or take some science classes instead. You know, the courses you flunked on your way to barely or not getting through high school. 


Ikr! Fauci is right more than just twice a day.