Why are scumbags required to act "professional?"?

There are jobs that exist solely because someone has to do it and a brain surgeon isn't likely to apply to be a grave digger or something super low brow. So why do most jobs get mad when a team who have all been to prison, under 30, who sweep floors alone in the dark tell fart jokes or the like? 

Why should they be "professional" when they clearly aren't. Porta potty man is not in the professions. 


I can't explain the content of your employer's employee handbook. That might be a question for your HR department. 

Green Puffin2021-03-19T10:54:31Z

Your assuming that people that sweep floors are ex criminals, says a lot about you and your narrow minded views.  Not all Commercial Cleaners are as thick as pig poop, nor are all of them 'potty mouthed'.  If you want to succeed as a Commercial Cleaner, you have to be physically fit and also capable of conversing with Clients from all social backgrounds and acting professionally as well as adhering to Health & Safety guidelines.  Your Supervisor, should be telling you to keep the silly fart jokes for when you've finished work and have left the site.

I supervise 3 teens and none of them are what you describe as a typical Cleaner, they're all studying for A Levels.  I've never been in Prison, don't have a 'foul mouth', am not under 30 nor am I as thick as pig poop.  Stop being a stereotypical idiot.


To maintain control over your minions.